Sunday, 9 May 2010

Outdoor Photographer of the Year competition

We have been hard at work at Outdoor Photography magazine putting together a great new photo competition, the Outdoor Photographer of the Year. There are some great prizes on offer, 13 categories covering everything from wildlife photography and landscape photography to travel photography and environmental photography.

Don't miss out on entering; in January 2011, someone from somewhere in the world will be crowned the Outdoor Photographer of the Year.

You can find out all the details and enter at Entries open on Wednesday 12th May, and the closing deadline is 30th September.

It could be you!!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Free knowledge!

You can't get enough knowledge, not in one lifetime anyway, so if you haven't seen it already go check out Chase Jarvis' brand new offering, Creative Live. He has roped in some of the big names in the business to give us knowledge for free.

What's the catch?? Well, there isn't really one. If you catch the seminars at the time they go out live, they are completely free. But if you want to source them from his archive of seminars, then there is a small fee. Seems pretty fair to me.